HOWDY Y'ALL! Got a couple cool gigs prior to the first day of spring! On Friday, MARCH 7th I'll be at ELEMENTS in BIDDEFORD hummin', strummin' & smilin'... such a sweet spot for an intimate & interactive performance... & I'll be back at LENNY'S in WESTBROOK on Thursday, MARCH 13th... (maybe a pre-St Patty's Day toast that night?)
Details, Links & Musings are listed below in this order:
1. TARGET GIGS (Full Details)
FRIDAY / MARCH 7th / ELEMENTS / BIDDEFORD ME / 6:30 to 8PM / 207-710-2011... LOVE this room... a very intimate concert scene. It's a laid back & comfy space... with beer, wine, coffee, yummy baked goods, small plates, LOTS of books & friendly patrons. In lieu of a cover charge, a donations jar is placed near the stage for your $5 pp suggested donation. Bring your appetites & bring your friends... they'll be impressed you know about this cool spot. Always good to get here early... seating is limited.
THURSDAY / MARCH 13th / LENNY'S / WESTBROOK ME / 6:30 to 9PM / 207-591-0177... We always have a blast here... The food is awesome & affordable, the staff is wicked fun & really good at what they do... & the list of artists performing here is topnotch. I am honored to be on that list, playing every other month. I hope you'll join us for the fun, the food, the music & the camaraderie! And THANKSfor remembering the suggested donation for music is $10 pp in "Phil" the tip basket ("Phil" is short for "fill it up please!")
My February shows were outstanding in all ways! I am feeling tremendous amounts of gratitude for the folks who came out for the Cadenza concert on Feb 8th & also for the folks who showed up in Mt Vernon for the Feb 23rd concert. At both of these shows, in the dead of wintah in Maine mind you, the numbers in attendance were impressive & a happy surprise to both myself & the presenters. Perhaps cabin fever had set in & we all just needed to set down our shovels, get out & recharge? No matter the reason, it was fabulous... the exchange between myself & the audience at each of these shows was nothing less than extraordinary & beautiful. We sang together, laughed together & even cried a little... very cathartic evenings, both. The Mt Vernon show was a fundraiser for the local Food Bank... we raised $1045... miraculous & lovely! I regret I got no pictures from either of these amazing events... it's hard to remember to do that stuff when I am just so "in the moment."
As we flip calendars to March & see once again the first day of spring is near, I am pulled to share a photo I snapped in my kitchen on a whim. Mid-February I had just bought a small bunch of daffodils to tease myself into thinking spring is really close. I wanted to capture the joy of my moment standing there dreaming about wildflowers & budding trees... the reflection of my smile while taking this shot makes me smile even now...
Hopeful Winter Daffodils in My Kitchen
Old Orchard Beach ME, 2/18/25
I'm writing myself a reminder right now to "spring ahead" with the clocks on March 8th! Meanwhile, my shovel is at the ready cos I know what March can bring... & sometimes April snow blows in as well. (Last year was NOT a friendly April here!) There's still a lot of snow around as I write, so my snowshoes & Xcountry skis are nearby as well.